Dash Components
Blinds Shop
unit 1, Riverside Mills, Dunsdale Haugh Selkirk, sct TD7 5EFBest supplier of fabrics and components around .always deliver in time and great prices .the staff are always very helpful and always reply to emails promptly .

Turnbull's Shoe Repairs
Shoe Repair Shop
53 High St Selkirk, sct TD7 4BZTook my expensive Scarpa boots in thinking they'd be beyond repair. Turnbull's did an excellent job and very cheap. Reckon I'll get another couple of years out of the boo ... more

Tree Service
Buccleuch Rd Selkirk, sct TD7 5DNPositive: Professionalism, Punctuality, Quality, Responsiveness, Value Services: Tree trimming & pruning, Tree removal, Tree stump removal

Bield Housing Association Ltd
Housing Association
Back Row, High St Selkirk, sct TD7 4NQLovely place with the best staff !

Scottish Borders Housing Association
Housing Association
South Bridge House, Whinfield Rd Selkirk, sct TD7 5DTWell the person i spoke to was Lovely Thank you Jacqui the letter will be put through the silver letter box the

Eildon Housing Association Ltd
Housing Association
Ettrick Mill Cottages, The Weaving Shed, Dunsdale Rd Selkirk, sct TD7 5EBFeudal , lying staff, housing stock reflects decades of failed social engineering. Make a complete mockery of puerile,pathetic rights and entitlement. Scotland sneering a ... more

NC Bihel
Upholstery Shop
Unit 4/Linglie Mill, Level Crossing Rd Selkirk, sct TD7 5EQ
MT Tree Care
Tree Service
Back Row Selkirk, sct TD7 4AQ
Selkirk Blinds
Blinds Shop
54 Forest Rd Selkirk, sct TD7 5DG
Border Safeguard Ltd
Security System Supplier
Ettrick Riverside, The Engine House, Dunsdale Rd Selkirk, sct TD7 5EB
Middlemas Eric
Window Cleaning Service
2 Bridge St Selkirk, sct TD7 5BS