Feel Good Motherhood
Childbirth Class
149 Minnis Rd Saint Peters, eng CT7 9NSThis place has been a lifeline for me and is an absolute hidden gem in Thanet. I am a first time Mum who was very lonely and building the confidence to take my son out on ... more

Six Bells Children's Centre
Special Education School
201 High St Saint Peters, eng CT9 1WHRecently I needed urgent assistance with food for my son and I.Kent Support and Assist declined my plea for help although that's what they are meant to be there for in ti ... more

Tide Watersports Kitesurfing School
Sports School
1 Shakespeare Rd Saint Peters, eng CT9 1TYHad a great learning session here with Mike. Optimal location makes it easy to kite pretty much regardless of wind direction. I was picked up at Ramsgate train station an ... more

Ramsgate Art Lessons
Painting Lessons
Harbour House, The Basement, Cliff St Saint Peters, eng CT11 9HYKatrina is a fantastic teacher and a great colourist - so encouraging and kind, my weekly lesson is a lifeline!

Churchill House School of English Language
English Language School
42 Spencer Square Saint Peters, eng CT11 9EQIt was my first English school back in 1995 and it is the best ever . It is a memory but it seems like it was yesterday. The school was great so as of the staff and st ... more

Dane Court Grammar School
Grammar School
Broadstairs Rd Saint Peters, eng CT10 2RTits ok

Hilderstone College, English Studies Centre
English Language School
14-16 St Peter's Rd Saint Peters, eng CT10 2JWI miss all the time here.

Swimming School
Edge End Rd Saint Peters, eng CT10 2AHStacy's school of swimming - great teachers who are really involved with the kids, making lessons fun and giving them confidence.

Chatham House Grammar School
Grammar School
Chatham St Saint Peters, eng CT11 7PSDo not ever consider sending your child here. In the 6 years I attended the building was decrepit with the entire top floor being closed off, tight, dirty hallways and la ... more

Three Little Fishes Swim School
Swimming School
22 Carlton Rd W Saint Peters, eng CT8 8PL
Lighthouse School
Special Education School
Northdown House, Northdown Park Rd Saint Peters, eng CT9 3TP
Thanet Maths Tuition
Mathematics School
3 Callis Ct Rd Saint Peters, eng CT10 3AE
Three Little Fishes Swim School
Swimming School
18 Ramsgate Rd Saint Peters, eng CT10 1PP
Rutland School of English
English Language School
75A Canterbury Rd Saint Peters, eng CT9 5AS
Channel Yachting Sea School
Sailing School
Military Rd Saint Peters, eng CT11 9LQ
Elite Sports Promotions
Sports School
6 Shutler Rd Saint Peters, eng CT10 1HD
Lets Speak English
English Language School
4 Grange Rd Saint Peters, eng CT10 3EP
Roadcraft School Of Driving
Technical Education Academy
6 Crawford Rd Saint Peters, eng CT10 2BB
Kent Creches
Preparatory School
United Reform Church, Meeting St Saint Peters, eng CT11 9RT
Simply English for everyone
English Language School
19 Gloucester Ave Saint Peters, eng CT9 3NN
Train To Teach English
English Language School
38 Hawley Square Saint Peters, eng CT9 1PJ
Spencer School of English
English Language School
3 Spencer Square Saint Peters, eng CT11 9LA
EKLAT Summer School
English Language School
9 The Spinney Saint Peters, eng CT9 3JS
Channel Swimming
Swimming School
12 Vale Square Saint Peters, eng CT11 9BX