( 9 Reviews )

Jephson Memorial
Historical Landmark
Serving Royal Leamington Spa, eng CV32 4HP
Wendy Leung
A beautiful memorial to the seven parachutists originally from Leamington Spa who participate in Second World War against Nazism. It was unveiled in 1928.
( 6 Reviews )

St Michael's Leper Hospital
Historical Landmark
120 Saltisford Royal Leamington Spa, eng CV34 4TT
Lynsey Gascoigne
Living near this building is lovely, the amount of wildlife within the compound is great. Its a shame that people feel they have the right to explore the compound and bui ... more
( 19 Reviews )

Warwick Castle Trebuchet
Historical Landmark
Castle Ln Royal Leamington Spa, eng CV34 4QX
Nicolae Marian Nanu
Loved it a lot.
( 2 Reviews )

The Midland Oak
Historical Landmark
Midland Oak Field Royal Leamington Spa, eng CV32 5YX
Alex Kaye
What it says on the tin - a tree. Expectations were low, still disappointed.
( 0 Reviews )