( 2 Reviews )

School of English and Drama
University Department
Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Rd Mile End and Globe Town, eng E1 4NS
( 13 Reviews )

QMUL School of Engineering and Materials Science
University Department
Mile End Rd Mile End and Globe Town, eng E1 4NS
Vikash Chady
Excellent place of study.
( 8 Reviews )

School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London
University Department
Bancroft Building, 4th Floor, Queen Mary University of, Mile End Rd Mile End and Globe Town, eng E1 4NS
A Borg
Wish I'd gone to Warwick or Durham. Appalling feedback all the way through. I'd avoid the whole University of London if I was doing it again. Online MBA isn't even ranked ... more
( 1 Reviews )