( 17 Reviews )

Rainbows End Boarding Cattery
Pet Boarding Service
4 Beltinge Rd Herne Bay/Whitstable, eng CT6 6DB
Debbie King
Went to have a look and very impressed with the service. Will definitely be booking my kitty in for her holiday.
( 3 Reviews )

Happy Buns Mini Rex Rabbits and boarding Kent
Pet Boarding Service
13 Reynolds Cl Herne Bay/Whitstable, eng CT6 6DS
Emma Mattin
I have the most fantastic little bunny, I bought from Happy Buns in August last year. Bodi turned 1y last week and has become such a wonderful little bunny. He has a supe ... more
( 2 Reviews )

Barking Mad Canterbury
Pet Boarding Service
Oxenden Park Dr Herne Bay/Whitstable, eng CT6 8UB
Angela Davidson
Won't let you know where you dog is staying or allow you to meet who they are staying with... Dodgy