Pro-Tector Great Britain
Chamber Rating
Kevin Syrett
Dec 2nd, 2018 -
Lance Crewdson
May 22nd, 2018 -
Anthony Bunce
Great outdoor gear produced in Nepal to a incredibly high standard. They are bag covers used specifically for covering and containing your rucksack when you go on an adventure. There's been many a said story of the 200 quid rucksack being destroyed by the airline, so here's the natural solution. I have one and it's been with me a good few years now but still as good as new. Every trip I always find an additional use for it. Rucksack liner, dirty clothe store... so versatile. Check on the web and get one. You'll be helping to Keep a small Nepali workshop in business...
Mar 6th, 2017 -
Neil Locker
I have had a Pro-Tector Backpack cover for many years. The cover is of excellent quality and has been keeping my Macpac in top condition for years. I travel to Nepal regularly for trekking and my pack is still in excellent condition despite heavy use.. The other thing I like about the Pro-Tector is that it is ethically made in Nepal so my purchase money is going to a good cause in Nepal.
Oct 1st, 2014 -
Susan Richardson
I have an excellent Burghaus pack that I am very attached to and suits my small frame. I have been using it for treks in Nepal for several years now. On a trip a few years ago I was fortunate to meet up with Rob and hear all about Pro -Tector. This year I finally got around to purchasing one of the Backpack a Pro-Tector travel wallet. Needless to say I was thrilled with the performance of both items .. The cover is strong, well made and keeps the dust and mud out and protects my pack when its thrown up on the roof of a bus or on the trail. The wallet kept all my travel documents together, no fumbling in an Immigration line ever again.The small loop for my wrist means hands are free to juggle the other bits. My pack was also very easy to spot on the baggage carousel. I love the fact that all the Pro-Tector range is made in Nepal, which is another way for me to support this country that I love.. Suzie Richardson Australia
Jul 8th, 2014
Contact Info
- (751) 754-1829
Questions & Answers
Q What is the phone number for Pro-Tector Great Britain?
A The phone number for Pro-Tector Great Britain is: (751) 754-1829.
Q Where is Pro-Tector Great Britain located?
A Pro-Tector Great Britain is located at 3 Leskew Cottages, Gosforth, eng CA20 1BD
Q What is the internet address for Pro-Tector Great Britain?
A The website (URL) for Pro-Tector Great Britain is:
Q What days are Pro-Tector Great Britain open?
A Pro-Tector Great Britain is open:
Saturday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Q How is Pro-Tector Great Britain rated?
A Pro-Tector Great Britain has a 5.0 Star Rating from 5 reviewers.
Ratings and Reviews
Pro-Tector Great Britain
Overall Rating
Overall Rating
( 5 Reviews )Kevin Syrett on Google
Lance Crewdson on Google
Anthony Bunce on Google
Great outdoor gear produced in Nepal to a incredibly high standard. They are bag covers used specifically for covering and containing your rucksack when you go on an adventure. There's been many a said story of the 200 quid rucksack being destroyed by the airline, so here's the natural solution. I have one and it's been with me a good few years now but still as good as new. Every trip I always find an additional use for it. Rucksack liner, dirty clothe store... so versatile. Check on the web and get one. You'll be helping to
Keep a small Nepali workshop in business...
Neil Locker on Google
I have had a Pro-Tector Backpack cover for many years. The cover is of excellent quality and has been keeping my Macpac in top condition for years. I travel to Nepal regularly for trekking and my pack is still in excellent condition despite heavy use.. The other thing I like about the Pro-Tector is that it is ethically made in Nepal so my purchase money is going to a good cause in Nepal.
Susan Richardson on Google
I have an excellent Burghaus pack that I am very attached to and suits my small frame. I have been using it for treks in Nepal for several years now. On a trip a few years ago I was fortunate to meet up with Rob and hear all about Pro -Tector. This year I finally got around to purchasing one of the Backpack a Pro-Tector travel wallet. Needless to say I was thrilled with the performance of both items .. The cover is strong, well made and keeps the dust and mud out and protects my pack when its thrown up on the roof of a bus or on the trail. The wallet kept all my travel documents together, no fumbling in an Immigration line ever again.The small loop for my wrist means hands are free to juggle the other bits. My pack was also very easy to spot on the baggage carousel. I love the fact that all the Pro-Tector range is made in Nepal, which is another way for me to support this country that I love..
Suzie Richardson